What made you join the “Morris”? (9)
Give it a try.
If you enjoy life, want to try something new, meet new friends, or even if you are on the shy side, no matter what, come along and have a go at Morris Dancing.
It's been around for a long time and has a lot going for it. It will change your life and you will be pleased about it.
Sure I joined when I was single and in my early 20's but these days many in their 30's and 40's join and still have a great time.
History, culture, tradition?
What's that all about, well you may not know too much about the origins of Morris when you start but as time goes on you will become more aware of the rich and colourful history that links Morris to England's heritage so don't be discouraged just jump in with both feet.
Speak to any morris man or email us for your nearest contact and join in.
You deserve it.Labels: dancing, join, learn, morris
posted on 23.6.08 by John
What made you join the “Morris”? (8)
Girlfriend did it
Sexual equality has a lot to answer for, but sometimes we guys do benefit.
George joined the Morris after being chatted up by a lady dancer.
He was idly drinking his beer and admiring their 'f'eet' bouncing nicely to the music when one of them chatted him up!
Well being at a loose end as far as girlfriends went one thing led to another and a few months later he found himself learning to dance.
Fortunately for us he parted company with that feisty young lady and eventually found our splendid all male team and is now one of our regulars.
Sure we like the ladies, but as an all male team we find a greater flexibility when we go away for the weekend, if our regular galls are not around.Labels: dancing, join, learn, morris
posted on 19.6.08 by John
What made you join the “Morris”? (7)
Chat up women
Lads, if you are single and under 30 the Morris Dancers kit is great for chatting up the ladies.
You will be amazed at the liberties you can take whilst wearing the kit. The biggest thing you need to be aware of is trying it on with the galls after you have changed back into civvies.
You've probably seen the men going around giving away programmes and collecting cash, well when I was single this was a great chance to chat up the girls.
I would give them a programme and suggest that instead of a few coins a kiss would do, much easier then to fix up a date, just don't fix up too many for the same day!!!Labels: dancing, join, learn, morris
posted on 14.6.08 by John
What made you join the “Morris”? (6)
To get fit
As I mentioned in the last note getting fit is in vogue at the moment. And yes dancing will make you fitter.
As a dancer, you will probably find when walking up a street that most people are walking slower than you, you will be able to run for a bus and not be too puffed, though most reading this probably never see a bus that's worth running for!
Being fit helps you live longer one of our musicians is 83.
In May I went to Nordlingen in Germany as part of Des's 80th birthday celebrations and whilst he may not have joined the morris with fitness in mind it has certainly helped him keep fit and healthy to a very decent age.
Colin now a mere 77 was also on the trip and far more sprightly than a lot of non dancing men his age.
Most of the men in our team are a lot younger than that of course!Labels: dancing, join, learn, morris
posted on 11.6.08 by John
What made you join the “Morris”? (5)
Now there is no way I can be considered overweight but look around most morris teams and you will probably see one or two rotund bodies.
Yet men still join us with the intention of using morris to loose weight.
Yes you will loose weight and yes you will most certainly get a lot fitter. If you lay off the beer as well then you may even become slim, but don't bank on it.
When Harry joined us a few years ago he confessed that he had two left feet was over six feet tall, overweight and unfit.
The first hour of learning he sweated gallons and couldn't understand why we weren't.
Today he is still over six feet tall, much fitter and does indeed way less than before he joined us.
He has three feet now, two left and a right !!Labels: dancing, join, learn, morris
posted on 8.6.08 by John
What made you join the “Morris”? (4)
Done it at school but lost contact.
Quite a few morris dancers are also school teachers and some of the more enterprising amongst them persuade the school to include country dancing and morris dancing in the curriculum. As far as the boys are concerned at best it's a drag.
However later in life they see morris dancing and it all floods back to them so they chat with us and decide to have another go at it.Labels: dancing, join, learn, morris
posted on 6.6.08 by John